Sunday, September 28, 2008

The last 24 hours

The last 24 hours of my life have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. Yesterday, at the football game I felt on top of the world for 30 of the 60 minutes and by the end of the game I wanted to lock myself in my room and not come out for a week. Sometimes, as we all know, it is frustrating to be a Clemson fan. But I have faith in my team that we will bounce back the right way and do great things this year.
But the football game is only a part of my rollercoaster day, as late last night my aunt went into labor over a month early. The scary part for me is that she is in her 40's which is already not exactly healthy to have a baby and she lives in Anderson and I was one of the only family members around. Needless to say I have been at the hospital most of the day so far and I came back to change clothes and do my blog in case I didnt have enough time. I am so happy to have another baby cousin close by, but I hope that baby Madeline is born healthy and my aunt will be ok as well.
After the day I had yesterday and early part of today, when I saw the blog topic was anything we want to write about, I knew I had to vent about the football game and talk about my whirlwind day that is not over with my family.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cover Letters

The articles on cover letters were very interesting and made me think about my actual cover letter a little bit more.
The first article, "The Reality of Cover letters," gave me a good idea of what to expect from my interviewer. The fact that the cover letter is not looked at all unless they are seriously considering you is something that I did not know. That really shouldnt affect how you do your cover letter, because in my opinion you should treat every interview as if they will consider you and they will take everything you have in consideration. One major thing I did learn was that my cover letter should really not be about me at all. That is something that I would not have done with my cover letter draft, to the extent that this article described.
The rest of the articles were also very helpful. The cover letter checklist article was nice because it gives you everything that you must have for your cover letter.
Since I have never really made a resume or a cover letter, none of these articles I could really disagree with. It was nice read all of this useful information that I can use to create the best cover letter for me.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dealing with Interviews

The two articles I read were "How to Deal with Interview Stress" and "How to answer the Toughest Interview Questions." Both articles dealt with handling the actual interview process. The first article, "How to Deal with Interview Stress," was a great article that helps break down how to handle stress leading up and during the actual job interview. I could very well see myself being nervous before a big job interview and this article shared some helpful tips on how to avoid and/or control my nerves. The biggest tip for me in the article was when it talked about pausing in an interview and not panic. Taking your time and not worrying to much when there is an awkward silence is a helpful tip for me. I think more job interviews go bad because of nerves and stress than they do with just being a bad interviewer.
In "How to answer the Toughest Interview Question" I learned a lot about preparing yourself for the tough questions that are for the most part going to get asked. Asking questions about your future and how much money you might make are questions that need to be answered appropriately depending on the job or interviewer you are with. This article prepares you for the big questions that could make or break your job interview.
These two articles were great in making sure you can handle your job interview just a little bit better and make it go a little bit smoother.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

In my Next 10 years

In 10 years I will be 30 years old and hopefully living my life to the fullest. I have a lot of goals, dreams, and ideas for how I will be living my life in 10 years.
I envision that in the year 2018 I will be married to the love of my life and we will have two kids. I can only imagine how being married and having kids is like. I am actually very excited about that part of my life. Some people fear being 30 with a wife and two kids, being a soccer coach but I think I will love that part of my life. Family has always been important to me and I know that it will be when I am the father-figure.
As far as my career goes, I have been thinking about what I want to do for the past five years. For some reason I have always been very career-oriented in what I want to be involved with, especially in 10 years. My ultimate career goal is to be a general manager for an NFL team, but in ten years there is no possible way that happens unless I become a legendary benchmark for my profession. The youngest GM right now in the NFL is 42 years old. That job is something you do not do out of college. Therefore, in 10 years I expect to be in an executive position with an NFL team. This includes an assistant to the GM or director or business or personal operations. These are good gateway jobs to my personal goal of being a GM. If I kept any of those jobs I mentioned and never advanced, that would still be a more than upper quality job for me.
When I am 30, with my job and family I plan on making sure no matter where I live, I come to at least one home Clemson football game a year. I dont think that after I graduate from here I could ever be away from Clemson football for more than a year. When I am 30, I will look back and say that these four years at Clemson where probably some of the best of my life and I will always want to come back. And going back to Clemson, which is my second home; I will also try and go back to my hometown to see my extended family at least once a year as well. I think it is important to keep family close.
In 10 years I will be working for a foootball team somewhere, have a wonderful family, and being living the good life and not be freaking out about being 30 years old.