Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dealing with Interviews

The two articles I read were "How to Deal with Interview Stress" and "How to answer the Toughest Interview Questions." Both articles dealt with handling the actual interview process. The first article, "How to Deal with Interview Stress," was a great article that helps break down how to handle stress leading up and during the actual job interview. I could very well see myself being nervous before a big job interview and this article shared some helpful tips on how to avoid and/or control my nerves. The biggest tip for me in the article was when it talked about pausing in an interview and not panic. Taking your time and not worrying to much when there is an awkward silence is a helpful tip for me. I think more job interviews go bad because of nerves and stress than they do with just being a bad interviewer.
In "How to answer the Toughest Interview Question" I learned a lot about preparing yourself for the tough questions that are for the most part going to get asked. Asking questions about your future and how much money you might make are questions that need to be answered appropriately depending on the job or interviewer you are with. This article prepares you for the big questions that could make or break your job interview.
These two articles were great in making sure you can handle your job interview just a little bit better and make it go a little bit smoother.

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